Shiur 3: "Official" Answers
Review Answers Shiur 3
1) We measure 60 against the issur even though it has been entirely removed because...
1. We don't know how much taste came out of it, so we assume the worst case (60). Even though this is a sofek l'kol ha-dor the Rashba says it has the din of sofek yachid.
2. The Ran says that if we allowed people to estimate how much taste came out, people would be overly maikil.
2) Because of this, if a pot absorbs issur, we measure 60 against the whole pot unless we know for sure how much issur it absorbed. Thus if we know there was only a kazayit of issur in the pot in the last 24 hours, we measure against the kazayit. If we know the pot is ben yoma but we don't know how much issur was in it, we measure against the whole pot.
3) According to the Raavad in a case that the issur can be completely removed we can estimate how much issur there is. According to most Rishonim even in such a case we can not estimate.
4) The Pri Megadim leaves it as a question. The Chavas Da'as holds that even shamian will not spread into a kli more than a klipa by melicha.
5) This means that if part of a metal spoon is hot we consider the whole spoon to be hot. Therefore, if a spoon that has assur blios absorbed in it is placed in a pot we need 60 against the whole spoon. L'halacha we only need 60 against the part of spoon that is placed in the pot.
6) According to the Plaisi no. This is because the reason that one must do a tikun is because it has the din of a d'sh'l'm, however if it will get ruined it is not a d'sh'l'm. According to the Gilyon Maharsha yes. This is because if one can do a tikun it is called b'ain and there is no bitul.
7) According to the Mechaber, there is no din of ch'n'n for sha'ar issurim so their blias never become ch'n'n and never make a kli ch'n'n. The Mechaber is strict by both kli cheres and sha'ar keilim that the blios they absorb become ch'n'n by bb"ch even in a hefsed meruba. However, if there are no blios the kli will not become a ch'n'n even by a kli cheres.
The Rama brings those that say that by a kli cheres even if there are no previous blios in the kli the walls themselves can become a ch'n'n. However, he says that this is only a chumra. Thus a new kli cheres is not ch'n'n in a hefsed meruba by bb"ch or in a hefsed by sha'ar issurim. For sha'ar keilim, the blias become ch'n'n but the kli doesn't.
The Shach holds that only blios absorbed in a kli can become a ch'n'n but not the walls themselves even by a kli cheres. Thus if a new kli (not used in the last 24 hours) can never become a ch'n'n.
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