Sunday, September 11, 2005

shiur 4: "Official" Answers

Review Answers Shiur 4

1) There are 2 possible reasons that we need 61 to mevatel eggs: (1) eggs are different sizes, so we require 61 to be sure there are 60; (2) an egg is a briah so the rabbis made a heiker (by requiring more than 60) to "remind" us of this.

The N"M comes in a few cases:
1. If the ossur egg is mixed with other food, by the first reason you only need 60; by the second (briah) you still need 61.
2. If the ossur egg is scrambled with other eggs, by the first reason you still need 61; by the second you don't.

2) Ta'am k'ikar after 60 is d'oraita according to R' Akiva Eiger's reading of the Ran; it is d'rabbanan according to the Shach.

3) Ossur spices that are mixed b'mino are botel b'60 according to the Shach because their taste is not nikar. R' Akiva Eiger forbids them because they would give taste to aino mino.

4) Issur can indeed mevatel issur. If a boiling pot contains 59 measures of heter and one measure of each of two different issurim fall in, each of the issurim combines with the 59 measures of heter to mevatel the other issur. Similarly, if 60 measures of heter mevatel a measure of issur, then a measure + 1/60th of a different issur falls in, the first issur combines with the heter to mevatel the second issur.

5) This also holds for meat and milk. If 30 parts of pareve are mixed with 1 part of meat and that mixture falls into a mixture containing 29 parts of pareve with 1 part of milk, each min will combine with the pareve to mevatel the other min. The food remains pareve.

6) Everyone holds that 1 issur is mevatel another in the case of meat and milk like that described in #5 above.


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