Sunday, September 18, 2005

shiur 5: "Official" Answers as of 10/6/05

Review Answers Shiur 5

1) Based on Tosefot, the source that issur is batel in 60 is a kabala that Rabbanan had (halacha l'Moshe mi-Sinai). As an asmachta, they based this sevora on the zaroa besheila. When the Nazir brought his korban, the kohen received the zaroa from it. In spite of the fact that the zaroa was cooked with the entire korban -- thereby imparting taste to it -- the rest of korban was mutar to the nazir.

2) If the bones of the korban and zaroa are included, the zaroa is 1/60 of the korban. If the bones are not included, the zaroa is 1/100 of the korban.

3) Both the Mechaber and the Rama agree that heter bones are mitztaref with heter to mevatel issur. The Mechaber also includes issur bones with the heter; the Rama only includes issur bones in a hefsed m'rubeh.

4) This depends of whether bones are mevatel the issur because they have lachluchis. If they are mevatel the issur regardless of lachluchis then eggshells and rocks are also included. If bones are only mevatel the issur because they have lachluchis then eggshells and rocks are not included. The halacha is like the Chavas Da'as therefore eggshells and bones are not included.

5) Even if lachluchis is not necessary to be mevatel, nonetheless a pot is not mitztaref to mevatel the issur because it is not submerged completely in (surrounded by) rotev. This is the halacha l'ma'aseh however, a submerged heating element of an electric pot would depend on the two sides mentioned in answer 4.

6) If a piece of assur meat that had bones was cooked and then fell into a heter pot, both the Mechaber and Rama include the issur bones as part of the issur. However, according to the Mechaber if we knew how much meat there was originally we only need 60 against the original meat and not against the bones.

7) Even if there was 60 at one time if there is not 60 now it is not batel. This is because we are choshesh that the issur did not shrink in proportion to the heter.

8) If we did not see the issur when it fell in but we are sure it is now batel, the Taz permits it but the Darchai Teshuva in the name of the Pri Chadash prohibits it.

9) There is no difference. The Taz is matir in all cases, and the Beir Hetiv holds that in all cases it is assur.


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