Review Answers Shiur 10 as of 10/30/05
Review Answers Shiur 10
1) There are 3 possible reasons that a dshl"m is not batel:
1. Rashi -- Since you can eat the ta'aruvos b'heter, therefore the Rabbanan said that you should not eat it b'issur.
2. Ran -- because a mixture of the same type strengthens each other rather than weakens each other. In the case of dshl"m, the issur is not quite completely removed from the din of heter -- since it will become heter again -- thus since the opposing force is weak the Rabbanan say they strengthen each other and it is not batel.
3. Badai HaShulchan in the name of the Kanfai Yonah -- if we allowed the dshl"m to be batel, it would appear that the issur is weak and people will come to be mevatel it l'chatchila.
2) D'sh'l'm is batel in aino mino because...
1. Ran -- In aino mino, they are two different types, so there is no strengthening. The normal laws of bitul hold.
2. Rashi -- Because it is called by the name of the aino mino and this takes it out of the din of d'sh'l'm.
3) The nafka mina between the Ran and Rashi is the beitza treifa that was laid on Yom Tov that got mixed up with other eggs. According to the Ran, the fact that it is a beitza treifa means it is not the same and thus it has no din of d'sh'l'm and thus it is batel b'shishim (actually in 61). According to Rashi since it can be eaten without the issur of Yom Tov (muktza) it has the din of d'sh'l'm and is not batel until Yom Tov ends.
4) We could try to matir an egg sofek born on Y"T when it got mixed up with other eggs by using a sofek sofeika: for any given egg, maybe it isn't the sofeika egg, and if it is, maybe it wasn't born on Y"T.
5) There are 2 possible reasons not to matir the eggs:
1. We do not hold by any S"S for a dshl"m. Even if there were 1000 S"S, you can simply wait and eat the taarovet in complete heter.
2. It isn't a true S"S because these are two different sofekas.
3. D'sh'l'm is not muter any time we have to come on to a ta'aruvos.
6) Salt, water, and flour are min b'mino. The reason is because they come together to make dough and are the essential ingredients in dough. Thus when mixed they "become" min b'mino.
7) According to the Taz chazusa is not batel only if it gives taste. According to the Shach even if there is only appearance without taste it is not batel.
8) The Mechaber 102:3 holds that the treif kli is batel. The Rama says that this is because hagala is costly and it therefore does not have the din of dshl"m. But the Ra'ah argues that since hagala can be done, it is not batel, and the Maharil argues that the cost of hagala is minimal. The Shach therefore says that one should be machmir except in a case of hefsed meruba. And even in a case of hefsed meruba, one should wait 24 hours before using the kli so that it will definitely be mutar mid'oraisa. According to the Taz, all the keilim need to be kashered because there is a chance that they may all be used at once (i.e. together).
9) Whether or not something that is muktza is a dshl"m is a machloket. R' Akiva Eiger holds that it does apply; the Tzlach holds that it doesn't.
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