Sunday, December 11, 2005

Answers to Review Questions Shiur 15

Please note that I took out question 8. Question 9 is now question 8 and I added a new 9 and 10.
9) Does vinegar have the din of water or tzir?
10) How long does it take to pickle in tzir?

Review Answers Shiur 15

1) Gemora Pesachim notes that it is a chiddush by bb"ch meat kavush in milk for 24 hours is mutar. We learn that if this is a chiddush by bb"ch, then by sha'ar issurim kavush for 24 hours is ossur.

2) By the time kavush occurs the kli blios are lifgam. Lifgam blios do not osser food.

3) The Issur v'heter holds that the entire kli is assur.
The Taz holds that the kli is assur k'dai klipa.
The Pri Megadim holds that the entire kli is assur.

4) Kli Cheres - A new kli cheres absorbs immediately even if the food is cold. If the kli is glazed, or has been used 3 times, or has been used continuously for half a day (or quarter of a day according to another version of the text), it absorbs after 24 hours.
Wood - absorbs only after 24 hours according to all.
Metal - According to the Issur v'heter, it does not absorb, and according to the Taz, it absorbs k'dai klipa,
Glass - The Pri Megadim states that in a hefsed m'rubeh, it does not absorb.

5) The Shach says that kavisha is mefatem issur shamain to the portion above the water line. Unlike melicha and tzli, we do differentiate between shamain and kachush in kavisha. The Pri Megadim, Rabbi Akiva Eiger and the Chavat Da'at all disagree with the Shach in respect of tzir, and give tzir the din of melicha, because it is salty, therefore the whole piece is assur immediately. In all other cases of kavush, Rabbi Akiva Eiger holds that kavush does not spread issur shamain above the water level. The Pri Megadim says to be machmir like the Shach if there is no hefsed m'rubeh.

6) Sofek kavush means that we aren't sure if the kavisha was for a full 24 hours. In such cases, the Rama is machmir and holds that sofek kavush is kavush -- except in a case of basar b'chalav where we matir sofek kavush. The Taz argues with this and says that a sofek (sofek kavush) cannot overpower a chazaka (the food has a chazaka of heter) to osser.

7) 1. It was a case of sofek kavush.
2. The issur is based on an asai rather than a lo-ta'aseh.
3. Perhaps the non-Jew is lifgam.

8) If a chaticha falls into tzir, it is immediately ossur k'dai klipa according to the Mechaber and kulo according ot the Rama. This is because tzir is like melicha, not kavisha.

9) According to the Mechaber vinegar has the din of tzir, however this contradicts Simon 104. According to the Shach it has the din of water. The Magen Avraham differentiates between strong vinegar and weak vinegar.

10) Between 6 and 18 minutes.