Review Answers Shiur 11 as of 11/22/05
Review Answers Shiur 11
1) According to the Mechaber it is not. R' Akiva Eiger argues that food that will spoil is still a d'sh'l'm. But if the food will completely spoil and be inedible, the Badai Hashulchan says that everyone agrees that it is not.
2) According to the Rama something that has the taste of a d'sh'l'm doe not have the din of a d'sh'l'm. The Taz agrees unless it is added to enhance the food. The Shach holds that taste of a d'sh'l'm gives it the din of the d'sh'l'm.
3) An issur machmat atzmo is an issur that is due to the nature of the food. For example, neveila or tameh meat. An issur balua is an issur that is "swallowed" (absorbed) by heter. For example, kosher meat that absorbed yayin nesech is ossur due to an issur balua.
4) Yes, a d'sh'l'm needs to be nikar before it fell into the ta'aruvos. Thus on Shabbos if juice comes out of grapes directly into wine it is batel.
5) A neder has the din of a d'sh'l'm unless it is a neder to do a mitzvah.
6) Chametz on Pesach...
1. Is not a d'sh'l'm according to the Ran. The Ran holds that food becomes a d'sh'l'm because the din becomes the same and they do not negate each other. Since next Pesach the chametz will become assur again therefore they are not looked at as having the same din.
2. Is a d'sh'l'm according to Rashi. Rashi holds that d'sh'l'm is a gezeira -- why allow bitul of the issur when the whole ta'aruvet can be eaten b'heter!? Thus chametz will become mutar and therefore it is not batel on Pesach.
7) According to the Magen Avraham it is assur to everyone on Shabbos. According to the Chavas Da'as the one that cooked it may eat it on Shabbos since for him there is never a heter.
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