Saturday, November 12, 2005

Review Answers Shiur 13

Review Answers Shiur 13

1) because the blias from the kli are lifgam and nt"lf is mutar b'dieved.

2) It is  a gezaira lest we come to use a ben yomo kli.

3) A 12-month-old kli that was used the food...
1. mutar because the blias are like afar. (Chacham Tzvi)
2. mutar if it was originally only used for cold food, but if it was used for hot food is ossur. (Panim Meiros)
3. ossur even if it was only used for cold food, but we are maikil if the issur was yayin nesech. (Davar Shmuel)

4) According to Rashi and Rabbeinu Tam, a kli is considered to be aino ben yomo if it has not been used for cooking during the night. The blias then become lifgam.
According to the Rashbam, a kli is considered to be aino ben yomo if it has not been used for cooking for a period of 24 hours.

5) Leinas Laila starts at shkiya. According to the Kaf Hachaim everyone agrees that it ends at daybreak. According to the Darchai T'shuva it is a machlokes.

6) If a pot is balua with sha’ar issurim and it was used to cook water it is aino ben yomo...
...from the time of the issur. (Smak)
...from the time of the water. (Sefer Hatrumah)
The Sefer Hatrumah holds that the water becomes ch'n'n and "re-ossurs" the pot, so we start counting from the water. The Smak holds by ch'n'n but only in the case where there is mamashut. Since this is a case of blias only, there is no ch'n'n in the water.

7) According to the Mechaber we only count from the water by basar b'chalav. According to the Rama we count from the water even by sha'ar issurim unless there is a hefsed.

8) The Shach holds that since the water has the din of haba m'basar b'chalav which has the din of sha'ar issurim, therefore the Mechaber should agree that even by basar b'chalav we do not have to count from the water.

9) By Basar B'chalav the Mechaber holds in accordance with the Sefer Hatrumah. If the water was boiled before night began, the water is assur and 24 hours is counted from the time of boiling the water. The Rama, however, holds that we can be maikil and count 24 hours from the time of the issur rather than the time of boiling the water, because linat layla cause the blias to become lifgam. By sha'ar issurim the Mechaber agrees that we count from the issur.

10) Question 10 should read "Is there a difference between the above case and if the water was cooked after the night and there was leenas lyla beforehand?"
The Beit Yosef holds that although we normally rule in accordance with the Sefer Hatrumah, we can rely on the Smak in this case, because we have the opinion of Rashi and Rabbeinu Tam that linat layla causes the blias to become pagum. So we count 24 hours from the time of the issur and not from the time of the boiling of the water. The Rama's conclusion in this case is the same.

11) The Rama holds that if there was linat layla between cooking the meat and cooking the milk, and the water was boiled afterwards, the 24 hour period runs from the time of cooking the milk. According to the Shach and Rabbi Akiva Eiger, the Beit Yosef holds otherwise. The Shach says that there is no heter of linat layla here according to the Beit Yosef, so 24 hours are needed from the time of boiling the water. Rabbi Akiva Eiger adds that the Beit Yosef is machmir when the water is cooked before night because the water becomes a neveila. Thus, 24 hours are needed from the time of boiling the water But if the water is cooked after night has passed, since ch'n'n in this case is a d'rabbanan we can be maikil.