Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Review Answers Shiur 16

1)A kli shaini will not cook. The proof is from the gemora in Shabbos. According to the Rashba it will be maflit and mavlia a klipa. The proof is from shechita. According to the Tur it will be maflit and mavlia b'kulo.

2) If the food is a liquid, according to the Rashal the liquid begins to cool when it touches the cool sides of the kli sheini; thus liquids in a kli sheini doesn't cook (but solids do). According to the Rama, liquids hold heat better (i.e., they cool slower) than solids, so since a liquid in a kli sheini will not cook neither will a solid.

3) According to the Bach, hot meat in a kli sheini that was cut with a milchig ben yomo knife is mutar but the knife is assur. The meat in the kli sheini is hot enough to maflit meat blias and cause them to be absorbed into the knife but not hot enough to maflit milk blias from the knife and boleah them into the meat.

4) Whether or not kli rishon on the fire cooks if it is not yad soledet bo is a machloket:
Rashal -- We make a harchaka and say that it cooks lest we come to leave it there until it gets hot.
Taz -- Kli rishon doesn't osser unless it is yad soledet bo.
Shach -- It doesn't cook, but we are machmir to osser the food k'dai klipa.

5) A kli sheini does not cook, but l'chatchila it does mavlia, maflit, or both. The Shach holds that it will ossur a klipa and is maikil in a hesed for example a kli cheres.

6) According to the Rashal a kli shaini will not be maflit and mavlia simultaneously. According to the Bach a kli shaini will not be maflit and mavlia simultaneously will not maflit taste that is absorbed in something else

7) (a) Rama - the heter is assur k'dai klipa at the point where the issur and heter touched.
Taz, citing Rashal - Everything is assur, but we can be maikil and say that it is assur k'dai klipa in a hefsed merubah. Shach - the heter is assur k'dai klipa.
(b) Rama - the heter is assur k'dai klipa at the point where the issur and heter touched. The Taz and Shach agree.

8) (a) Rama and Shach - both assur k'dai klipa.
Taz - Basar assur k'dai klipa and chalav assur kulo. In a hefsed m'rubeh, we can be maikil and say that it is assur k'dai klipa.
(b) Rama and Shach - both assur kdai klipa.
Taz - chalav assur k'dai klipa and basar assur kulo, but in a hefsed m'rubeh we can be maikil as above.

9) According to the Maharshal there is no din tata gavar by kailim. Thefore, even if the food is hot and the kli is cold it will osser kulo. According to the Shach a kli follows the regular rules of tata gavar.

10) If cold food is poured into hot food.