Shiur 19 Official answers 1/20/06
Review Answers Shiur 19
1. According to Ravina melicha is like bishul, according to Rav Acha melicha is like tzli. Rav Acha learns his din from Shmuel that says meliach k’rosaiach, kavush k’mevushal. Since kavush is like bishul we can infer that melicha is like tzli.
2. According to the Ramban melicha will not cause an issur shamian to spread more than a klipa whereas tzli will cause shamian to spread into the whole piece. According to the Rashba the difference is that melicha will cause blios to be absorbed a klipa whereas tzli will cause blios to get absorbed a n’tila.
3. According to the Maharam neither salting or roasting will cause fatty blios to go from piece to piece and therefore only the pieces touching the chailev are assur. According to the Rashaba both salting and roasting will cause fatty blios to go from piece to piece and therefore all the piece that touch each other are assur but we can include all the piece to be mevatel the chailev.
4. According to the Maharam chailev does not spread evenly therefore 60 is needed in each piece that touches the chailev. According to R’ Netanel all the pieces touching the chailev are mitztaref to be mevatel the chailev but he is in doubt whether the blios will go into another piece.
5. According to R’ Netanel you can not be mitzraref other pieces that touch the piece that is touching the chailev and therefore the piece touching the chalev is assur if it itself is not 60 against the chailev. According to the Rashba we can be mitztaref all the pieces even the ones that are not directly touching the chailev.
6. In the Raisha the Mechaber says that if many pieces touch the chailev all the pieces are assur and in the saifa he says that if the chailev touches one piece it is batel b’rov. The question is that in the raisha as well it should be batel b’rov since there is only enough chailev to osser one piece.
7. In seif 7 the Mechaber says that by roasting issur shamain spreads from piece to piece like the Rashba and in seif 9 he says that salting does not spread from piece to piece like the Maharam. The question is that neither the Rashba or Maharam differentiate between roasting and salting.
8. The Rama does not hold by tata gavar in melicha. He says that the nature of melach is to spread from piece to piece by touching regardless of direction; it does not "climb" like heat or a flame. Thus if an issur maluach touches heter taful, it doesn't matter which piece is on top -- the heter is assur until 60.
9. The Mechaber holds of tata gavar by melicha but the only ramification is if the issur is shamian, salted and on the bottom.
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