Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Review Answers Shiur 17

Review Answers Shiur 17

1) This means that that which has become issur (by absorbing some pleitat issur) does not, in turn, have the power to spread this issur further that the original issur could have spread. For example, salt used to salt meat absorbs blood from the meat. Even though the salt is neveila from the blood, and even though the salt can spread beyond 60 because it gives such a strong taste, the blood in the salt can only spread up until 60. So if the salt falls into soup where it is less than 1/60 but it can still be tasted, the soup is still mutar because the blood is botal b'shishim.

2) This is learned from the fact that a klipa or n'tila that is assur will not consequently osser the rest of the piece.

3) This din appears to be in contradiction to reach milta which says that a substantial odor of issur is able to spread issur. By raiach milta, we learn that heter shamen will mefatem issur kachush and cause the issur to spread by pi-puah.

4) If heter shamen is roasted next to issur kachush, the heter is ossur until 60. This is because the shamen will go into the issur, mefatem the issur, and cause the issur to mefapeah throughout the heter.

5) The Taz holds that issur kachush absorbed in heter shamen will not spread with the shamen. His proof is 69:18 where a piece of meat is salted in a kli she-einu menukav. The meat outside of the tzir is mutar even if the mean is shamen because the ossur blood and tzir cannot mefatem.

6) The Gilyon Maharsha brings 4 types of pitum:
1. Shamen absorbed in issur kachush will carry our issur blias with the shamen;
2. A chaticha of shamen that abosrbs kachush blias will spread the kachush with its own blias;
3. Issur balua shamen will spread on its own from one piece to another;
4. Shamen that is balua along with an issur balua will spread the issur along with it.

7) The Taz argues with 1 and 4:
1. This is like 69:18 brought in answer #4. The shemen will spread but will not mefatem the issur and carry it where it couldn't spread on its own.
4. The Taz rejects this by the same svora.

8) According to the Pri Chadash if the issur is shamain you do not have to remove a n'tila. If the issur is kachush then a n'tila must be removed. According to R' Akiva Eiger even by shamain a n'tila does not have to be removed because the part that became assur is batel b'rov.