Shiur 21 Offical Answers 1/29/06
Review Answers Shiur 21
1. If fish are poured from a pot to a bowl, according to the R'iva all the fish are assur because the ones in the pot that became assur when the water level dropped below 60 will osser the ones already in the bowl. According to Rabbainu Baruch although some fish become assur they will be batel b'rov in the ones in the bowl.
2. They are arguing if the water is drained and then the fish are poured into the bowl. However, if the fish is poured out together with the water, then according to the Rama even Rabbainu Baruch agrees that all the fish are assur, but according to the Shach Rabbainu Baruch will only osser the fish in this case.
3. We say that the issur is in the Rov.
4. In the case of fish in all scenarios they are mutar but in the case of eggs he agrees that they are assur since there is not rov above the liquid.
5. We do assume that there is issur unless it was already established.
6. 1. It is similar to nishpach.
2. All the parts of the safek can combine to be mevatel the issur.
7. 1. If the water is poured together with the fish they are assur.
2. In the case of eggs they are assur since there is no rov against the assur eggs.
8. Even if the water was poured together with the fish, the Taz holds that they are mutar. This is because there is only a small amount or because it is nufsak hakiluach.
9. Nishpach is only mutar because it is batel mid’oraisa and it is a safek d’rabbanan, however our case is a safek d’oraissa.
10. If they are taken out with a spoon.
11. According to the Mechaber and Rama the blios of a fly are lifgam and therefore 60 is not needed. According to the Shach in the name of the Rashal we have to suspect that the blios of a fly are not lifgam and therefore we need 60 to be mevatel it.
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