Review Answers Shiur 14
1) Heter can not mevatel issur.
In a case of three pieces, which are yavesh, and I don't know which one piece is assur, and which two are mutar, then I say the heter does mevatel the issur, since I don't know which two of the three are mutar. There is a general rule issur is batel brov. However, 10 pieces of heter, and one piece looks like the neveilah piece that just fell into the taaruvot. Now you have 11 pieces, two of them look the same. One is neveilah. I don't say the 9 pieces are mitztaref to mevatel the issur, they are not part of my heter, since they are not part of my safek. The only part that is safek, is the peice that looks like neveilah. At this point I only have one against one, this is not enough because it is not batel brov. Another example is solid in a liquid, since the liquid is not the part of the safek it does not help to be mevatel the solid b'rov. In simon 109 we see that this is a Machlokes between the Shach and Minchas Yaakov whether we need 2:1 or just a bit more
2) One receives malkos by the eight shratzim for eating the size of a lentil while sha'ar issurim only receives malkos for a k'zayis. This is a chumra regarding the 8 shratzim. Because an adasha of sheretz brings tuma, the same quantity receives malkos. Further, according to the Rama, the Rabannan gave that quantity of a sheretz the din of biriah.
3) The Shach and Taz disagree in the case that the achbar was cut up in such a way that it cannot be removed.
The Taz holds that the achbar is not batel because it is a case of yaveish b'lach. This makes the achbar nikar even if it can't be strained and even if it can't be seen.
The Shach holds that if the issur cannot be separated it has the din of yaveish b'yaveish. The reason the achbar is ossur is because we are choshesh that when eating you will eat an adasha which is ossur.
The nafka mina is by sha'ar issurim. If this were not a sheretz, the Shach would matir it because you are not going to come to eat a kazayit of identifiable issur, or as a whole piece. The Taz would ossur it because it is yaveish b'lach.
4) Bees' legs are botal in honey even though they are nikar because...
According to the Taz it is nikar by feeling, according to the Shach it is nikar by seeing
5) Yaveish b'yaveish min b'aino mino is batel if the issur is not nikar. For example, if I have diced baked apple that is ossur (because it was cooked with yayin nesech) and a piece of it gets mixed in with 60 times as much diced baked pear (which was cooked in kosher wine), the mixture is yaveish b'yaveish min b'aino mino. There is no way to identify the diced apple so it is not nikar, but it is batel b'shishim in the pears.
6) According to the Mechaber the shuman is mutar since the achbar gives a bad taste. According to the Rama, if it possible that hot shuman was poured on the achbar then the shuman is assur even if there is 60. This is because the achbar will osser every klipa. If hot shuman was not poured on the achbar and the shuman is hard then all that is needed is a n'tila since it is a safek s'faika.
7) According to Chasam Sofer they do. The Pischei Tshuva brings sources that indicate they don't.
8) 60 is needed against the blias of a fly if the fly is kavush in whiskey and then removed.
9) Gilyon Marsha (8) in the name of the Shach (84:30) states that worms are not repulsive, therefore you need 60x. The Taz (84:15), Minchas Yaakov and Mishb'tzos Zahav disagree and consider them repulsive.
Sheretz List
1. Choled: Weisel, Martin, Ermine, Rat, Mole, Field Mouse
2. Achbar: Mouse, Rat, Gerbil
3. Tzav: Ferret, Lizard, Salamander
4. Anakah: Hedgehog, beaver, mole, shrew, Gecko
5. Ko'ach: Chameleon, Lizard, Monitor Lizard
6. Chomet: Snail
7. Tinshemet; Mole
8. Let'ah: Lizard