Thursday, February 23, 2006

Review Questions shiur 27 edition 4.1

Review Questions shiur 27 edition 4.1

1) Define talinun l’kula and why that is so.

2) What are the 4 hetarim brought by the Tur and Bais Yosef?

3) Should we make a gezaira to osser the ta’aruvos if a chaticha is accidentally eaten?

4) How must the ta'aruvos be eaten? Why?

5) Can it be eaten one at a time? Is there a difference if one or two people are eating the ta’aruvos?

6) If one piece from a ta'aruvos that is not batel falls into others what is the din of the second ta'aruvos, and on what is this din based?

7) If a chaticha fell from the 2nd ta’aruvos to a 3rd ta’aruvos does this change the din of the second ta’aruvos?

8) What are the halachik implications if the girsa of the gemora includes the words acharos b’acharos?

9) Is a davar sheyaish lo matirin mutar in the case of a safek safeka?

10) In what case does everyone agree that a d'sh'l'm is mutar in a safek s'faika? Why?

Review Answers Shiur 27

1. Talinun l'kula means that "we assume that if 1 piece of the taaruvet was destroyed, it was the ossur piece." We can make such an assumption because it is a safek sfaika or because the issur was d'rabbanan in the first place (d'oraita it was botal), so we can make an assumption l'kula to permit it.

2. 1) If it fell into the sea by itself.
2) If it was eaten.
3) If it was thrown into the sea before the ta'aruvos was known.
4) If it was eaten by a dog or non-Jew.

3. The Shach and Taz make a gezeira to ossur the taarovet if a chaticha is accidentally eaten; the Mechaber does not.

4. They must be eaten two at a time, since one is certainly mutar we put the other on the same chazaka.

5. It is ossur for one person to eat the entire ta'aruvos. Two people may not all at once according to the Rama, the Taz holds that it may be eaten by two people at once but bends to the Rama.

6. According to the Rashba and Tosefos the second ta'aruvos is mutar but not all at once. According to Rashi and the Rambam the second ta'aruvos is assur. This is based on the girsa in the Gemora.

7. If a chaticha fell from the 2nd ta'aruvos into a 3rd, the second ta'aruvos is mutar to eat according to Rashi and Tosefos even all at once, according to the Rambam and Mechaber the second ta'aruvos remains assur.

8. If the Gemora includes the words acharos b'acharos, the second taarovet is ossur and only the third is permitted. If these words are not included then the second ta'aruvos is mutar (but not all at once).

9. The Mechaber permits a dshl"m in a sofek sfeika (just like anything else). The Rama only permits is in a case of need. The Shach ossers it unless there is a hefsed m'rubeh -- he says that it is never botal no matter how many ta'aruvos occur because we can just wait until it becomes heter and then matir everything.

10. In the case of an egg laid on the second day of Yom Tov. If it is a safek it is mutar. This is because:
1) The second day of Yom Tov is only a minhag.
2) Yom Tov is usually a need.
3) It is a safeg s'faika in the guf not of a ta'aruvos.


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