Monday, February 06, 2006

Review Answers Shiur 24

1. The machloket between R' Meir and the Chachamim is over whether bundles containing spices that are ossur as kalai hakerem are batel in 200 (like all kalai hakerem) or are not batel as davar sheb'minyan. The machlokes is R' Meir holds that all davarim sheb'minyan are not batel; Chachamim hold that only the specific 6 davarim are not batel.
2. R' Yochanan holds that R' Meir said "es shedarko limnos" meaning that only items which are *always* sold by count are not batel. Reish Lakish holds that R' Meir said "kol shedarko limnos" meaning that R' Meir includes items which are generally sold by count but sometimes are sold by weight.
3. L'ma'aseh, we all hold today that eggs are a davar sheb'minyan. The halacha depends on time and place and today eggs are always sold b'minyan.
4. The Mechaber holds like R’ Akiva. The Rama holds like R’ Meir according to R' Yochanan. The Maharshal holds like Reish Lakish.