Monday, February 06, 2006

Review Answers Shiur 23

Review Answers Shiur 23

1. In the case of yavaish b'yavaish min b'mino, although according to some Rishonim 60 is needed, l’halacha it is batel chad b’trai. This is because even if we come to cook the pieces, it will be a case of min b'mino v'aino mino and will still not come to an issur d'oraita.
If it is min b'aino mino, we need 60 to mevatel the issur. This is because if we cook it we will come to eat an issur d'oraita unless there is 60.
2. (See #1.)
3. There are 4 opinions for how the ta'aruvet can be eaten:
1. Tur / Rosh: One person can eat all the pieces, even all at the same time. Once the issur is batel it becomes heter.
2. Rashba: One person can eat all the pieces but not at the same time. When the first piece is eaten we say the issur is in one of the other two. After that piece is eaten, we say that the issur was already eaten to matir the other two pieces.
3. Tosefot: All three pieces can be eaten but not by one person. Each person can say that the other person ate the ossur piece.
4. Rashi: One piece must be thrown away or given to a goy. We say that piece was the issur and thereby matir the other two pieces.
4. In the case of chad b'trei and one piece has been eaten, we say that the issur was eaten and thereby matir the other two pieces. (Rashba)
5. In a case of chad b'trei where the two smaller pieces together are only slightly bigger than the bigger piece, we say:
Shach - everything is mutar because any two pieces have a rov over the third piece;
Minchas Yaakov - everything is ossur (d'rabbanan) because chad b'trei is dafka; that is, there must be a 2:1 ratio of heter to issur. (D'oraita the Minchas Yaakov agrees that everything is mutar.)
6. According to the Shach isur d'rabbanan yavaish b'yavaish min b'aino mino is batel chad b'trei.
7. Nodeh is a factor in being able to mevatel issur before the issur is cooked because it is our knowledge of the taaruvet that makes bitul happen; without our knowledge there is no bitul.