Monday, February 06, 2006

Review Answers Shiur 22

Review Answers Shiur 22

1. "Raiach milsa" means "odors have significance." This means that even the smell of a food can transfer taste to another food.
2. If both neveila and basar shchuta are kachush, it is mutar l'chatchila to roast them together even in a small closed oven according to the Shach (in the name of the Rashba). However, the Sifsai Da’as says that this only applies by bread since we are not experts to differentiate between kachuch and shamian.
3. If bread is baked with meat, we are more machmir to say reach milsa to osser the bread with milk unless the oven was completely open. This is because the bread can clearly be eaten b'heter with meat. However, is no other bread is available it may be eaten with milk.
4. If issur and heter are cooked together and only the heter is closed in a pot, even in a small closed oven the heter remains mutar.
5. Issur charif is more machmir than issur mashehu. According to the Rama, issur charif is ossur b'dieved even if the big oven is open Issur mashehu is mutar b’hefsed m’rubeh in a partially open big oven.
6. If issur is cooked under a machvat and then heter, according to Rama the heter is mutar since the issur did not give off zaiya. Rav Akiva Eiger is machmir in this case even if the issur did not give off zaiya since raiach will go into a kli and the zaiah will draw it out.
7. Bread baking in the oven is expanding from both the yeast and the water that is boiling out of the dough and causing it to rise. Hot bread that is cooling absorbs air from its surroundings as the water vapor inside cools and condenses. Thus hot bread placed near the opening of a wine barrel will absorb more raiach than bread baked with meat (Rav Dovid Bendory).
It is ossur to smell a rose if the rose is still in the years of orla. This is because the purpose of the rose is to give scent, so its scent is ossur during orla.